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YOU are our label :)


We’re The Brevet (Aric, David and John) from Orange County, CA, and all our music has been self-released, meaning... YOU ARE OUR LABEL! 


The #1 thing you can do to support is FOLLOW us on Spotify so you’ll get all our new music and tour dates. Then hopefully we’ll get to meet you at a show soon!

Moving Mountains has always been a special song for me. I wrote this when I was questioning what path in life was best for me. I know I'm not alone in feeling lost or displaced at times (especially this last year). With that said, I know we aren't always going to have the answers at times and that's okay. Hopefully this song speaks to you in a way to understand that we are all in the same boat and need to keep pushing and striving for what it is we want out of life.






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